When creating a new consignor or vendor account for the FIRST time, Ricochet will automatically email the consignor a link to set their password. For security purposes, this link expires after approximately 30 minutes.
Minimum length:
12 Characters
At least one of each:
Capital letters: A-Z
Lowercase letters: a-z
Numbers: 0-9
Special characters: !-+
Passwords are sensitive data and should not be shared.
Admin users can update or change a password in one of two ways:
Manually set the password from within account details.
Click the "Send Password Reset Email" button to have the consignor create a password themselves.
How To Manually Set A Password:
Inside Ricochet,
Click Accounts
Click either Consignors, Customers, Suppliers or Users
Find the individual you want to change the password for
Click the gray edit pencil icon to the right
Type a new password in the Password field
NOTE: Passwords can only be viewed when first setting up or changing the password to ensure they match. Once saved, passwords cannot be viewed again for security reasons.
Re-type the new password in the Confirm Password field
NOTE: This field will appear blank regardless of a password having previously been in place. Once a password is set, it cannot be removed, only overwritten
Click Update.
Password best practices:
If possible, have the user type their own password. It is both more secure and respectful to have them type their own password versus reading you their password while you type it in.
Use a unique password, mixing up the sequence of characters.
Consignors, Vendors, and Users can update their account passwords on their own. They don't need to be physically present at the store to do so.