Print tags/labels from a consignor's inventory or the store's inventory depending on your needs. Quickly print off a bunch of inventory tags for a recent consignor or find and replace a single tag that has been damaged on an individual product. Either way, make sure you have correctly installed your label printer before doing the following:
To print labels:
In Ricochet,
Click Accounts
Click Consignors
Find the Consignor for whom you need to print labels
Click the Edit pencil to the right of the consignor name
Click the Inventory tab
Check the box to the left of the items you need labels printed for (this will include variants of a product if there are any)
Click Print Labels
NOTE: Ricochet will automatically assume you want to print a label for every product. So if you have 5 socks in stock, it will default to a quantity of 5 labels
In the Ricochet Print Preview, you can select your label size, uncheck any products you don't want printed, and change the quantity you wish to print.
Click Print
In the computer print preview verify the items you are wishing to print are showing, select the label printer from your printer list, if necessary, and then click Print.