All receipts, regardless of the amount of items sold or how long ago it was are stored in Ricochet.
Note that the way you find a receipt is by date. This doesn't have to be exact. So if a customer is trying to find a receipt from about 30 days ago, you can select everything from the previous month to hopefully find the receipt they are looking for.
Note: Reprinting a receipt after a sale has been completed can only be done from a computer. Once a sale is completed you can not reprint a receipt at a later Time/Day from the iPad.
This is process also works for looking up Receipt IDs for processing returns.
You can find receipts in two ways:
Search all your sales from a date range to find the sale.
Go to the customer's account to see their sales history.
To reprint a receipt without a customer account attached to the sale:
Navigate to Reports > Receipts
Select a date range you think the receipt falls in to from the date picker. This will automatically populate the screen with every single sales receipt during that period, organized by receipt ID.
Locate the transaction from the list and click the transaction ID number.
A print receipt dialog box will appear allowing you to print the receipt again or email the receipt, just like in the POS.
To reprint a receipt with a customer attached to the sale:
Navigate to Accounts > Customers
Search for the customer using their name, phone number, email, or user ID.
Once you have found their account, click the orange Edit icon to view their account details.
The Purchase History tab at the bottom will show all the items they have purchased with the sale number attached
Click on the sale number of the corresponding sale, and that will allow you to print or email a receipt as normal.