Many stores offer an "All Sales Final" return policy, but if your store offers a more generous return policy, you can process returns from the Ricochet POS.
NOTE: If the consignor for the product has not yet been paid out for the sale the return is simple. The product simply goes back in stock and the consignor's pending payout gets reversed until the items sells again. However, if the consignor has already been paid out for the sold item, returning an item will return it as Store Inventory. The store is then responsible for reselling the product and will keep the profits of the entire item, instead of conducting another commission split.
In order to conduct a return, you must have a Sales ID.
βSales IDs are found on all sales receipts.If you receive an error "We could not find one or more SKUs in the database" make sure the item has not been Archived. If archived you will need to restore the product then attempt the return again.
If the customer doesn't have a receipt and you would still like to process a return, Sales IDs can be found in Sales Summary and Sales Detail Reports by looking up the product and expanding its details.
To find a missing Sales ID:
Click Reports
Click Sales Detail Report
Use the 'Pick Date' to select a date range for which you think the item was sold
Find the sold item and copy the Sale ID #
Go back to POS to complete the Return
Click Products
Search for the product by name or SKU
Click the 3 lines with 3 dots to the right of the product to expand the details and it will display the Sales History column
Click the View hyperlink
5. If the product has been sold you can find the Sales ID from the list of sales in the pop up window
To Process A Return:
Inside Ricochet,
Click POS
Click the Return Item button (upper right)
Enter the Sale ID in the input box of the dialog box
Click Find
Check the box to the left of the item(s) you wish to return
Click Add Returns
Select the tender type to return to (if it is a split tender, use the Payment Amount field to input a negative amount and select each tender type).
Refunding To A Credit Card:
Integrated Processing: Your normal prompt will display. Please inform customers that returns to a credit card take up to 5 business days to be returned to their account.
If you are using integrated payments with Gravity and a customer has purchased and returned an item within the same business day, please call us. The product can still be returned, but there is a separate, more complex process that must be followed.
Non-integrated Processing: Follow your credit card processor's instructions for returning the customer's money through their card.