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Sales Summary Breakdown
Sales Summary Breakdown

A breakdown of each line item and portion of the sales summary portion of reports.

Brady Briscoe avatar
Written by Brady Briscoe
Updated over a week ago

The Sales Summary section of the Sales Summary Report and Sales Detail Report show a complete breakdown of sales for the selected time period. This is a “live” report in that when you select the date range, it goes through all the existing transactions in the period and reports back. If you have voided any sales, these will no longer be part of these totals. Additionally if you have made any edits to transactions, these edits will affect the totals.

Below we breakdown each section of the summary.

1 Total Tenders Collected

This section is a grand total of all sales in the date range broken down by tender. These totals are the sum of all grand totals of the transactions thus including things like tax. This section is the most straightforward since it is just the grand totals.

2 Sales Breakdown

This section dissects the Grand Totals for the date range and reduces them to individual parts eventually summing up to the Grand Total that should match that same grand total of the Total Tenders Collected section.

  • Revenue: The sum of each Subtotal from each transaction in the date range.

  • Layaway: This line item is for any payment deposits for layaways. (Not completed layaways as completed layaways will be an actual full transaction when completed.)

  • Shipping: Any shipping collected from Online Webstore Orders.

  • Tax: Sum of actual tax collected from each transaction.

  • Tax Rate: This is simply a “reference note” of the breakdown of tax collected which is mostly important for stores that have multiple tax rates.

  • Returns: Sum of returned items.

  • Returns Tax: Sum of returned item’s tax.

  • Total: The total of the breakdown.

The equation for this is as follows:

Revenue + Layaway + Shipping + Tax - Returns - Returns Tax = Total.

Important Notes on TAX:

  • The TAX line item is the literal sum of tax collected from each transaction.

  • Each item is taxed individually during a transaction.

  • Oftentimes individual item taxes will be rounded up to the nearest Hundredth if the tax total was in the thousandth or more decimal.

  • When reporting State Sales Tax, you cannot simply multiply the Revenue line item by your tax rate as this will be inaccurate. Since the Revenue line item is the sum of each transaction's subtotals, this could include transactions that included tax exempt items and also due to the nature of taxing each individual item and the rounding included, this would not be an accurate representation of collected sales tax. Our TAX line item is the accurate amount of actual collected sales tax.

  • Also keep in mind that if you had returns tax, when reporting your sales tax you would want to compensate for the returned tax by subtracting this from the TAX line item total since that tax amount has been given back to the customer.

3 Store Costs and Net Totals

This section breaks down the costs and nets based off of the items involved in the transactions from the selected date range. This section does not view any processed payouts to consignors and strictly looks at the sales data in the date range.


  • Consignor Amount: The total in theory owed to consignors based off consigned items included in each of the transactions that are part of the date range. This line item looks at all consigned items from the date range and sums up the amount of consignor portion of commission splits.

  • Store Inventory Cost: The sum of COST associated with Store Inventory.

  • Shipping: Shipping total collected that will in theory be spent on shipping items.

  • Rewards Used: Rewards points used are recorded as a cost to store since this was “free money” given to the customer to use towards a purchase.

  • Gift Cards Used: Redeemed Gift Card tender is recorded as a cost since at the time the card was initially sold, it created a surplus. Recording it as a cost balances this out when cards are redeemed.

  • Sales Tax: Tax is a cost as this will be given to the state.

  • Returns Tax: Returns tax gets compensated as a negative after the Sales Tax line item as this is given back to the customer.


  • Net Sales: Grand Total after the above “Costs” were calculated plus any additional Net to store amounts.

These NETs are a breakdown of the Grand Total Net and how that Grand Total was achieved.

  • Net from consigned: The sum the store will receive for their portion of consigned items.

  • Item Fee portion: Amount collected by store from item fees.

  • Net from Store: This amount is profit from Store Inventory items. This considers the costs of Store Inventory leaving you with your NET profit.

  • Net from Layaway: This typically will be a negative amount as this compensates for completed layaway’s original deposits. Since deposits were collected on prior transactions, when a layaway is completed, those deposits need to be compensated for as a negative since they were already accounted for as a positive on the original days they were collected.

The equation for this is as follows:

Grand total from Tender Collected or Sales breakdown - Consignor Amount - Store Inventory Cost - Shipping - Rewards Used - Gift Cards Used - Sales Tax + Returns Tax = Net Sales Grand Total

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